Thursday 9 August 2012

Happy Bento B24 10/8/12

After a fun day of watching planes zoomed by and fireworks from the National Day Parade, we were so tired that we literally fell asleep once we reached home. Even so, I had planned to try out a piggy bento for my hubbie the next day.

Alas, I woke up late, thus didn't have time to cook the sausages meant to do my pigs :(( End up, I did a ladybird one. Just as well since it is also in my to-do list. But I am not very happy as I do not have time to cut out the centre line of the body and eyes :(( What to do, time is running out.

In this box, the blueberry jam sandwiches are the hills, blue berries and cherries are the plants found along the trails. The lady bugs are made up of nori and cherry tomatoes. The dots are punched out from nori cutters.

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