Monday, 13 August 2012

Happy Bento B26 14/8/12

Today's idea came from a red riding hood teapot and cup set made in Korea. I noticed it in a boutique in A shopping centre and fell in love with it instantly!

Thus I used that idea and convert it into my bento. However, I realized that red riding hood can't be red riding hood today as I had run out of red kani :((( How sad can this be!! End up I had to use cheese and turn her to be yellow riding hood. :((

The story goes to say yellow riding hood ( wrap with orange marmalade) was on her way to visit her grandma when she passed by a forest! She stood around for a while to admire the flowers ( cherry tomatoes) and crystal birds (picks). Suddenly she noticed blinking eyes and saw a pack of wolves (sausages with cucumber and nori) staring at her! She was horrified.

To get the shape of Yellow riding hood, I used a heart shape cutter to cut out the shape and trim to fit the shape.

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